Nice Peacock Butterfly today along with several Bumble Bees and a couple of Chiffchaffs these visitors are my first spring sightings and I've not even clocked Swallows or Martins yet, still I had views of six Grey Partridge in a release pen - no! I've no idea why they were in their but at least a little later I had the pleasure of watching a completely wild pair on territory and good views of Kestrel, many Reed Bunting, two Green Woodpecker, one Grey Heron, six Fieldfare, a flock of some fifty Black Headed Gulls and a rather nice spring flower in the form of Coltsfoot.
Hi Camboy... I think there should be a law AGAINST you having pleasure, whilst watching a 'wild pair'!
The sad part is I actually do get more pleasure watching the partridge than the "other"