Thursday, 7 November 2013

No Lindo-NoLoss We have King Camera Instead.

The Oxford Ornithological Society talk for next Wednesday 13th November at Stratfield Brake will NOT now be David Lindo as he has withdrawn but it really doesn't matter as KING CAMERA that's Roger Wyatt has kindly taken his place by pulling forward his April scheduled talk and will be a most worthy replacement, indeed Rogers is the talk on this years programme I had singled out at the start of the season as my 'must not miss at any cost talk' He is a super cameraman and is one of the regulars I use to accompany our OOS Oxford Times Articles.
A trip to the Hideaway to look for a reported flock of Golden Plover proved fruitless so moved on to Sparsholt and then Crows Hole Bottom where the usual Buzzards and Red Kites were much in evidence a Mistle Thrush was guarding a bush on the ridgeway several dozen Lesser Blacked Backs were on the now growing wheat and an extremely large Buzzard that on size alone I thought could be a Rough Legged but I decided it had too much white on the breast as many of our local Buzzards now seem to.
The Oxon Feather.


  1. The online king cameras are giving for very low cost. and the cameras also giving best quality to each photography. The camera will give more information in the photography. so the cameramen also purchase the cameras at social marketplace. And the camera also given for more photos to all and it is mostly using to nature photography.
