Tuesday, 25 June 2013

No! Not There .

This fledged Starling new something was amiss and fortunately spotted the murderous cat patiently waiting to pounce and turn it into a has-been before it became another awful death statistic that the oh! so many unregulated cats are responsible for and are allowed to overrun our gardens  causing mayhem. Well meaning, garden bird feeding folk, often feel they are creating a garden restaurant for these efficient killing machines.
On the feeders recently a house Sparrow showing white feathers where white feathers shouldn't be, it doesn't compare with the Abingdon very striking albino Starling but nevertheless it caught my attention.
This afternoon I found time to mount my two wheeled steed and pedal along the 417. After dismounting I roamed the Stutfield Brook meadows enjoying the pleasant sunny and windless weather noting Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Buzzard, Yellowhammer plus the usual common fare one encounters.
Looking into the brook and getting stung by nettles as I teetered on the bank edge I was rewarded with I think both Female Banded and Beautiful Demoiselle, please correct me if i'm wrong in fact apart from Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly and Wasp Beetle I have not had time to identify the other insects, so please feel free to help.
 No! not there
 Yes! over there
 Boo Hiss

Ok - I will name the above little beauty: oedemera nobilis


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