Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Managed to get the two wheeled demon machine mounted and headed towards  Shellingford Quarry, and taking a short cut through the fields soon found several Speckled Wood Butties offering photo opportunities. Arriving at the Quarry I called in on James and he grasped the chance to leave a dull task and join me for half an hour or so looking for Dragons of which there were many but photography proved difficult due to the very bright sunlight and the non-stop whizzing around of the Emperors in particular. James spotted a Buttie that I managed to get a shot of although it was not an opened wing shot the so called less interesting side of a Marbled White is actually very attractive.
James returned to his tasks and I continued to be frustrated by the poor photography conditions and the only easy shots were of Four-Spotted Chasers.
I have recently purchased a SX50 Canon camera for my general photographic escapades and I totally disregarded Lewbelus advice to carefully read the instructions first and consequently struggled with a piece of easy to use equipment but i'm confident that the much reduced size will be appreciated as i've long stopped dragging my x 400 canon on my outings and with the video facility on the SX50 look forward to becoming familiar with the new toy.
 Marbled White
 Speckled Wood
Four-Spotted Chaser


  1. Hi K, I don't think he will be shaking with fear - possibly with laughter.
    Uncle camboy.
